Fri 03 Jan
* ~* ~ EXOTIC* HOTTIE* TRANSEXUAL* ~* ~ THE Ultimate In 1ST CLASS Companionship * ~* ~ - - 24
(near the strip)
Thu 02 Jan
Rare 💄👠👗💯 REAL T'S 8 thick 🍆Hard To Find Functional Beauty ..Party girl...24/7 - 23
(Las Vegas, Strip HOTEL.DISCREET TExas station)
❤ ---- Carolyn ---- LEGGY BLOND --- AMERICAN BEAUTY-- New England TS ❤ - 100
(Las Vegas, near convention center / your hotel room)
Hot Mexican Top Visiting From Texas ISO Bottoms to Help Me Release:, 8.5 " FF - 31
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Private Residence)
what you see is what you get(¯.•♥••♥•¯) ❤EXOTIC BEAUTY FROM THE SOUTH PACIFIC .•♥• (¯`•♥•´¯) ❤ - 27
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, near the strip)
WHy StRike OuT wiTh A FLaKe Or maNLy GiRL When YoU CaN Hit A Home RuN WiTh me?! - 22
(Near the Strip!)
Ts SINcerly VISITING😍👅V E R S E W/💦 Party🎉 Let's relax with Me - 25
(Las Vegas, WYNN CIRCUS CIRCUS stratosphere)
Visting Treat yourself to Ts Paradise ! its always an unforgettable getaway with me - 22
(Las Vegas, vegas strip)
💎💨Mesmerizing TS E¥e CanD¥↓A REAL BUXOM BeAuTy! TRUE👑 Queen of K1NK.D0M&FETISH; ↓•* 💚0BEY ME NOW - 24
(Las Vegas, THE STRIP《I♥2 PARTY in VEGAS》)
MUSCLE WOMAN ! VIP TS AHKEMI the Bodied Muscular Fetish Fantasy from Toronto CANADA!!! - 24
(Las Vegas, Strip)
*Leaving Tonite *Dirty Diana VISITING with a 9" Thick STANDING OVATION Fully Versatile *Last Day * - 24
(Las Vegas, strip Area *LEAVING TONITE*)
★❤★❤★❤★❤ JUst ArRiVed WiTh A BiG SurprIse ...... AvAIlaBLe nOw ...❤★❤★❤★❤ ★ - 23
(Las Vegas, ★★ THE STRIP ★★)
your secret call me your valentine fully versatile fully functional pre-op ts - 22
(las vegas strip)